The content of this page pertains to Rakuten Global Market, a service that has already ended.
本页面内容显示关于已终止服务的Rakuten Global Market(乐天跨境购物平台)
本頁面內容顯示關於已終止服務的Rakuten Global Market(樂天跨境購物平台)
이 페이지는 이미 종료된 서비스에 관한 내용을 표시하고 있습니다.

The credit card is being rejected

Kindly inquire your credit card company regarding the authorization details about your credit card.

Furthermore, here are some samples of authorization rejections.

・Entered the credit card`s expiration (year & month) vice versa
・Using a expired credit card or close to expiring
・Nonidentical names on the credit card and order
・Over the credit limit .etc,

If you are using "Rakuten Card", please contact Rakuten Card from here.
We are unable to assist you further due to protection of personal information.
Kindly click here in order to change the payment method.

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